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2017-04-10 来源:XBRL中国地区组织作者:Editor 编辑:无忧草 浏览量:

The G20summit to be held in July 2017is fast approaching.The German presidency would like to enurage the aelerated use of digital technology in business and society through enhanced internationally agreed regulatory frameworks.

A paper prepared for the G20meeting by leading German think tank the Centre for International ernance Innovation ntains some interesting ideas.It calls for the G20to foster and aelerate blockchain research and development for both private sector and public sector exploitation.

Perhaps the most interesting call is for the myriad central banks that are already researching this field to pool their efforts.It seems that in particular,this would be aimed at developing technology and regulation around “fiat”cryptocurrencies.A “fiat”currency is backed by a central bank and for blockchain-backed digital money exchange to truly take off,it seems likely that these kinds of “official bitins”will need to be created and carefully managed.The opportunities for automation and traceability should be attractive to policy makers.Many mmentators have speculated about the ways that,for example,VAT or GST tax payments uld be dcted en route,simplifying mpliance and greatly rcing the opportunities for fraud and errors.

Given the tremendous efforts that ernments need to exert to restore and expand public faith in cross-border enomic operation,this might be a very useful suggestion on the international stage.Blockchain just might play a critical role in strengthening enomic resilience while ensuring the global enomy works to the benefit of all.

Read more here. 


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