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2012-03-20 来源:zawya 编辑: 浏览量:

Abu Dhabi-Tuesday, 20th of March 2012,Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange participated today in the 24th XBRL International Conference held in the Yas hotel in Abu Dhabi. ADX's participation in the event is to highlight the latest financial industry trends and key issues concerning the principles of transparency, disclosure and the exchange's application of the best global practices, which ADX has set forth for all its listed companies in their daily transactions.

"XBRL conference is a great initiative to spread the financial messages of Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange on an international scale. For ADX, it is the perfect platform to share our success story of applying transparency policies, and, explain upcoming financial instruments to investors and to the marketplace "commented Saif Al Mansouri, head of Listed Companies at the exchange.

Mr. Al Mansouri added "ADX has been working consistently since its inception in order to remain at the market forefront, and has consequently gained recognition for being a benchmark for excellence amongst regional financial markets. We look forward to this event as an opportunity to propose new ways of providing our stakeholders with more transparent, useful, and timely access to high-quality information"

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