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2010-05-11 来源:Earth Times 编辑: 浏览量:

OXFORD, England - (Business Wire) reFiling, the XBRL specialists, today welmed the announcement by the XBRL International nsortium that the final seal of approval has been applied to the Inline XBRL Specification.

CEO John Turner said “Inline XBRL is a substantial advance. It will help businesses large and small to mmunicate their performance externally and internally in an effective, timely and transparent manner. Inline XBRL mbines the benefits of the ordinary web page with the unambiguous definitions that XBRL provides. It’s a whole new way of speaking clearly about business performance.”

As the inventor of Inline XBRL, reFiling has invested heavily in its standardisation, including much of the writing and editing.

Chairman Philip Allen, who is the Editor of the Specification, mmented that “Inline XBRL has been embraced by major regulators, including HMRC, the UK’s tax authority. It is therefore very pleasing to see that XBRL International has now promoted the Specification to ‘Remmended’ status.”

“The process of llaborating across the mmunity of vendors, end users, regulators, auditors and acuntants has worked extremely well.”

He went on to say “The number of software vendors that have inrporated support for Inline XBRL grows on a weekly basis. These adoption efforts by vendors help nfirm the importance and relevance of this new and intuitive way of mmunicating performance information with XBRL.”

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